November, November
November result: 42k words on Orion's Pieces, 2k over my
target. I'm pleased. Yes, I know some have written close to 100k, but I'm not
them. This was likely my most productive month ever, especially the second
part, once I got things going. So, hooray.
It's also been a great distraction from the
novel-on-submission-I-need-to-check-mailbox-again stress. I actually managed to
keep this out of my mind, at least most of the time--so that's worth another
Now November is over and I've deflated like a burst balloon.
I'm tired, and the weasels have returned, doing extra time on their weaselling,
telling me my novel will never sell so I need as well not bother. But I'm not
going to cave it (at least, not yet). I hope I can finish the first part of the
novel before Christmas, which may be hard as we have several family visits this
month, but I only need another 15k (I think) to finish. So, that's the plan.
And over the holidays I'll start world-building for the next novel, which
should be good fun.
[Though with the way the world is going, it may end up being
a rather grim vision... The new novel will be closer time-wise to present day,
maybe only a century or two away, and so much closer to the world today. And
I'm not feeling optimistic...]
On a lighter note, Christmas presents are all bought! I
think I'm better prepared than I've ever been. And I know I'm getting some nice
books and inks! And maybe even a new pen.... Yay!
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